Davis Marketing Pros

Monday, June 14, 2010

Event Marketing

How do you market a single event?
You approach the marketing of the event like it is a new product or service being announced. Give it an identity. Package it. Target market and how do you get it to the target market? Must have immediate feedback/registration/ticket purchase. Make it an enjoyable experience for the customer/participant.

Participants must have a personal attachment to the event. Focus on the stories that go along with the event to spark that emotional attachment to get them to sign up and participate. Video works great!!

A website is a must that has ALL the information that the customer/participant will possibly need. Funnel all medias to website.

Using email is a great way to reach target markets and respond to those individuals viewing the website. http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?pn=davismarketingpros

Emotions drive most people to participate in events.

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